
Welcome to my delightful corner of the internet, where chaos and laughter collide! I’m thrilled to have you join me on this wild adventure as I navigate the beautiful chaos of marriage, motherhood, ministry, and gardening—yes, you read that right! I’m a married superhero for a whole decade now, proudly raising two energetic boys, aged 3 and 6, who bring both joy and occasional mayhem to my life.

Welcome to my delightful corner of the internet, where chaos and laughter collide! I’m thrilled to have you join me on this wild adventure as I navigate the beautiful chaos of marriage, motherhood, ministry, and gardening—yes, you read that right! I’m a married superhero for a whole decade now, proudly raising two energetic boys, aged 3 and 6, who bring both joy and occasional mayhem to my life.

As a women’s ministry leader, I’ve learned that life is a garden full of blossoming friendships and faith. Speaking of gardens, I must confess my green thumb obsession! From nurturing delicate petals to battling mischievous weeds, I find solace and spiritual growth in the soil. It’s like God’s personal playground, where I uncover profound lessons about life, resilience, and His incredible creation.

On this blog, you’ll discover a delightful blend of curated Bible studies tailored to your specific season of life. Whether you’re a frazzled mom, a wonderstruck newlywed, or a seasoned soul-searcher, there’s something here for everyone. And hey, if you’re in the mood for some retail therapy, feel free to explore my hand-picked links for delightful Christian products. Every purchase helps support this ministry of mine, and that’s pretty awesome!

Oh, did I mention my podcast, God&Garden? Get ready for some delightful spiritual insights sprouting from the depths of my garden. Join me as I share the quirky tales of spiritual lessons I’ve learned, wrapped in anecdotes about my flourishing blooms and pesky pests. It’s a unique journey where faith meets foliage, and trust me, you won’t want to miss it!

So grab your gardening gloves, your favorite Bible, and let’s dive into this marvelous mishmash of marriage, motherhood, ministry, and the miraculous wonders of gardening. Welcome to a place where laughter blooms and faith thrives—let’s grow together!

Bold Faith: Risk Taking Growth

Title: Planting Seeds of Courage: Lessons from the Bleeding Woman Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow.” —Alice M. Swaim Seeds lay dormant until the conditions are right for them to wake up. The environment we find ourselves in has…


Based on your responses, it is clear that you align strongly with the characteristics of the Fall season. This season represents a phase of transition and reflection in your spiritual journey. You have a deep appreciation for the depth of wisdom found in Scripture and seek understanding. Embrace this season as a time for introspection, evaluating…


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